
Showing posts from May, 2018

Let's all be become Rich

If only I am rich as Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. If only I am Ellon Musk. If only I look like Richard Branson. If only I am a tychoon like Warren Buffet. But I am not like them. Because maybe I could be greater than them someday. I have my own body uniquely designed by our Almighty Creator. He designed my mind and talents. We have our own ability to create such wealth as what those tychoons have. I don't want to just keep dreaming my entire life. I am not envied on them because i acknowledge their talents and capabilities. I make them as my inspiration to go through my life. Maybe someday somehow not as great as them but atleast I wont be regreting for not trying as hard as I could to become rich. Money is essential and what we all really need for most of our entire lives. If only those rich people valued it in a right way, If only they use their wealth to help those less fortunate in life, then I can say they are great and that's what I am aiming for. We all deserve to be rich ...

Android Phone Photography

"Astonishingly Simple Secrets Discovered By Renegade Photographer Transforms Your Smartphone Into A High-Quality DSLR And Captures Jaw-Dropping Gorgeous Photos That Blow Away Your Friends – Guaranteed!" Just Use These Proven Techniques To Instantly Become A "Mini Celebrity" On Social Media Sites… Without Ever Using Photoshop! Now can take amazing photos like these on your smartphone camera. And the cool thing is, you don’t need an expensive DSLR… or even Photoshop! Dear Friend, If you would like to take mind-blowing photographs with your smartphone… If you would like to dazzle and shock your friends with your shots… If you would like to become a trick photography expert, almost overnight… …Then this is going to be the most exciting message you will ever read. Hi, name is Carl Hartman and I’m a professional photographer. Some of my friends even claim that I’m a complete photography nut. But there’s been a recent change in photography technology t...